Dutch Babes: Unox edition

Nothing beats waking up from your alcoholically induced New Years Eve celebrations coma (yeah, FUCK YOU TO!, Tequila…) like reviewing the photographic evidence of the most recent Nieuwjaarsduik (New Year’s Dive) and its past glory. Every country has its own tradition of making up stupid traditions. The Greek, for example, once witnessed a guy dropping … Continue reading

Sylvia Kristel naked! (and sadly death)

Poor baby-boomers, approaching their pension ages all around the world (if your reading this while the age in your country is still 65 or lower, your in southern -moneygrabbing- Europe), they now loose their Pamela Anderson or Kim Kardashian, or whatever bimbo that sells sleaziness these days. But since the gifted actress Sylvia Kristel was … Continue reading